Break Free

An incredible short film exploring gender roles, Trans, and what it’s like to have an identity that deviates from the status quo. This is a great look at becoming who you are, the shedding of societal expectation and the human embodiment of gender concepts. It’s powerful in it’s simplicity and a stunning window into a non-binary fluidity of gender.

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Pro Infirmis (because who is perfect?)

This is awesome. Seriously, just watch it.

This campaign was devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled. Entitled “Because who is perfect? Get closer“, it is designed to provoke reflection on the acceptance of people with disabilities.

Director Alain Gsponer has captured the campaign as a short film.

The figures are life-sized, three-dimensional representations of Miss Handicap 2010, Jasmin Rechsteiner, radio presenter and film critic Alex Oberholzer, track and field athlete Urs Kolly, blogger Nadja Schmid and actor Erwin Aljukic.

“We often go chasing after ideals instead of accepting life in all its diversity. Pro Infirmis strives especially for the acceptance of disability and the inclusion of people with disabilities,” – Mark Zumbühl, a member of the Pro Infirmis Executive Board, in describing the campaign.

50 Reasons Why I Am A Feminist.


I was asked pretty recently why I’m a feminist, and, while I was staring at the asker in confusion (because shouldn’t it be obvious?), the question was immediately followed by “I mean, women can vote and shit, isn’t the whole equal rights thing sorta handled?”

I was absolutely stunned… Women can vote and shit. Because obviously that is the be all and end all of equal rights, we can vote! What else could we possibly want? I literally face-palmed so hard I’m surprised I didn’t leave an actual handprint.

So, to make up for being too shocked to give a concise answer, here, in no particular order, are fifty reasons…

Continue reading 50 Reasons Why I Am A Feminist.

Some Like It Minimalist

I’ve been going through a purge, a cleansing of the soul if you will. Okay, so maybe not my soul but I’m choosing to believe that it’ll be a healthy byproduct of de-cluttering and cleaning out the rest of my life.

I’ve become utterly obsessed with the idea of a minimalist lifestyle, which probably comes as a surprise to anyone that knows me all that well because I am the worst kind of pack-rat. I’m the kind that throws away just enough to justify buying twice as much.

It’s a vicious circle of consumerism and retail therapy and poor impulse control.

Continue reading Some Like It Minimalist