Break Free

An incredible short film exploring gender roles, Trans, and what it’s like to have an identity that deviates from the status quo. This is a great look at becoming who you are, the shedding of societal expectation and the human embodiment of gender concepts. It’s powerful in it’s simplicity and a stunning window into a non-binary fluidity of gender.

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Real Women

I am really sick of all of these “Real Women Have…” posts and memes. You’ve seen them, they’re all Real Women Have Curves and Real Women Wear Lipstick.

Maybe some do, maybe some don’t.

But who the hell are you to say what constitutes a real woman?

Is it not bullshit enough that we have to justify our worth to society at large, now we have to do so to each other too?,

If you’re real (not a figment of someones imagination) and you identify as a woman (regardless of your chromosomes, genitalia or sexual orientation) then congrats…

You’re a real woman.

It’s not that fucking complicated.